CIO Pune completes three year tenure

On the 22nd of January 2011 the Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement between the PMC, SEAP and Dr Anupam Saraph to establish the Office of the CIO completes its tenure of 3 years. The office had been established to address the information related challenges of the Pune City and the PMC. Under the PPP Dr Anupam Saraph played the role of the CIO of Pune City.

What key benefits has this resulted in for Pune?
  1. The PPP arrangement has resulted in several self-help options for Punekars to address various governance and management issues as well as drive development and transaction processes[i] through innovative Information Systems (see accomplishments list below).
  2. The PPP arrangement has also resulted in a dramatic increase in transparent, usable, auditable and more secure access to on-line information and transactions with the PMC.

What key benefits has this resulted in for the PMC?

  1. The PPP has resulted in dramatic improvements in civic transparency through various key IT projects and Information Systems (including Website upgradation[ii], Pune Governance Wiki[iii], Citizen GIS[iv], Grievance Redressal System[v]) .
  2. The PPP has resulted in more than 300 PMC staff being trained in wiki and GIS use. They have been trained to update various pages of the Pune Governance Wiki including the electoral ward, administrative ward, zonal office pages. They have also been trained to add the weekly reports and various PMC projects to the GIS maps of Pune to be able to visually display the status of different parts of the city and the budgetary allocations across the city[vi]
  3. It has also resulted in various best-practices, industry standards and IT governance being introduced to increase performance, reduce data and services risks and yield better returns on investment.
  4. Under this PPP the IT team of the PMC was mentored to work to clear goals and take greater initiative and responsibility.
  5. The PPP enabled the PMC to obtain support and advise on vendor management as well as to deal with various crisis.
  6. With the PPP the first ever Security Audit and process standardization for various PMC IT operations was undertaken.
  7. The PPP helped various IT contracts of the PMC to be consolidated into manageable groups: infrastructure, software development and information projects.

What has succeeded?

  1. The PPP succeeded in the design and development of creative and novel solutions that allow various stakeholders to connect, collaborate and resolve city problems[vii].
  2. It also succeeded in seeding several groups in Pune and across the country emulating various social-networking ideas of developing information systems for the city[viii].
  3. The PPP succeeded in creating a huge national impact on city-governance solutions[ix].

What has failed?

  1. The PPP failed to formally involve the participation of all the government agencies in Pune.
  2. The PPP has also fallen short in buffering itself from vested interests and corrupt practices. This has resulted in failures on part of some parties to meet obligations and commitments to enable the office to function optimally.
  3. The PPP has also failed to envision and create continuity as an independent institution.

What are the key accomplishments of the Office of the CIO under the PPP?

For all of Pune
  1. Drafted and evangelized a Pune IT Vision 2015[x] across the city to align and guide the various IT initiatives across government agencies, businesses and vendors in Pune.
  2. Formulated key projects to drive the IT vision for Pune and evangelized it across various stakeholders and IT companies.
  3. A “Mission Connect Pune” has networked over 100 NGO’s, Citizen Groups and Individuals into a vibrant and active physically and virtually connected group.
  4. Several IT companies educational institutions and public bodies have been roped into the implementation of the IT vision for the city.
  5. A Pune Governance Wiki[xi] enabling any stakehoder in Pune to connect and collaborate on city issues aith any government agency in the city - a first in India and possibly a first in the world[xii].
  6. developed as an integrated framework for information to be shared across agencies and as a search and discovery portal for Information and Information Systems of Pune[xiii].
  7. Obtained an in-principle sponsorship from Electronic Arts to distribute copies of Simcity to schools in Pune for a Sim-Pune competition[xiv] to involve the youth in civic and design awareness.
  8. Developed a proposal on shared resident ID and Pune Cards in association with NASSCOM and SEAP.
  9. Developed a working prototype of a virtual card that can help launch citizen-account-management, provide a single pass-book for all citizen/resident transactions with the Municipal Corporation including health and test tracking, provide a single payment gateway for all municipal transactions, provide a mechanism to start pre-paid bus-tickets as well as other pre-paid services, open up city-wide prepaid commerce and offer a city-wide dynamic Know-Your-Citizen (Customer) services and live-tested in IT companies in Pune. The shared ID Cards[xv] to create a safer and more secure city and its transactions - possibly a first in the world – is ready for deployment[xvi].
  10. Evangelized the idea of Tweet for Pune[xvii] to mobilize Pune's twitter community for tweeting Pune's issues and the use of twitter by government agencies[xviii]
  11. Developed and deployed a H1N1 Wiki[xix] to enable stakeholders to connect and collaborate on containing the H1N1 spread in Pune[xx]
  12. Developed and deployed crowd-sourced traffic management[xxi] to enable stakeholders to take control of traffic management by sharing their travel habits - possibly a first in the world[xxii].

PMC specific
  1. Mentored all the IT staff of the PMC to organize themselves to effectively implement the IT Vision.
  2. Created three mission-focused teams within the PMC IT Department with clear result areas areas – Hardware and infrastructure, Software and new projects and MIS.
  3. The PMC was supported to set up a manual information system to track the dates each contract will terminate so as to be able to process renewals or alternates in time.
  4. More than 300 PMC employees have been trained and mentored in various areas including use of wikis, Creating Unicode based documents in Marathi, Skype based meetings, building contact databases, Grievance Redressal System, and IT security and audit.
  5. The CIO constituted a GIS Advisory committee that has recommended a GIS vision and various GIS projects. It has also provided inputs on various key issues from time to time.
  6. Over 100 people from various departments were initiated in the use of GIS systems across the entire PMC.
  7. A GIS cell was established within the PMC and all digital maps from within the PMC and from public sources were made accessible to all departments in this cell. The staff of various departments were trained to upload their project progress on the digital maps.
  8. A project of citizen GIS was recommended to the PMC. The Advisory committee evaluated and recommended vendors from the list of bidders.
  9. Information on all existing information projects in the PMC was consolidated that enabled the PMC to conclude over 30 incomplete agreements in May 2008.
  10. Designed and implemented the Service Request System/ Grievance Redressal System that enables tracking and analytics[xxiii] to enable residents to request civic services on the internet and track its progress and to enable the agencies to manage the delivery of the services.
  11. A city-wide public integrated information system Ver 1.0 has been implemented as a wiki and has been accessible[xxiv] from July 2008.
  12. Evangelized the penetration of broadband accessibility across the city along with innovative applications for tracking waste-removal, water delivery energy management and traffic management using the internet and mobiles.
  13. Recommended and supervised security audit for the PMC.
  14. Recommended and shared draft security and privacy policy (uploaded on the web site) for the PMC.
  15. Implemented broad physical security to infrastructure at the PMC.
  16. Implemented policy for web site uploads at the PMC.
  17. Recommended design of a common business process for payment collection through various channels at the PMC.
  18. Reported and initiated policy on digital assets and their security, privacy and certification within the PMC.
  19. Recommended and implemented through respective vendors an inventory of machines, routers and IP addresses.
  20. Advised and developed proposals for PMC to outsource its data-centre needs to a Managed Data Centre – awaiting PMC’s implementing the same.
  21. Gap between the needed and existing information systems communicated in meetings and documented in the draft specifications for integrated IS as a Design for a City Resource Planning System[xxv] to enable various government agencies to have a consolidated picture of the city - possibly a first in the world. This was provided to the PMC in September 2008 for further development and tendering for the same.
  22. Communicated various proposals on security recommended by the Security Audit to individual vendors and the PMC (CA/OSD) for implementation (particularly DHCP scheme, network audit, network and firewall configurations, server and backup configurations, application access management, payment gateway management and user registration).
  23. Recommended a proposal to create ‘Resident Accounts’ for all Pune residents for secure and valid transactions with the PMC.
  24. A city-wide integrated information System Ver 2.0 integrating geographical information and ward wise-information in the form of a Pune wiki for collecting and sharing information about electoral wards in PMC area[xxvi] - possibly a first in India.


Mayur said...

Congratulations! This contribution to Pune and urban e-governance is huge - Truly deserves a national award. Do hope this is not the end of these brilliant contributions? Please continue to contribute all the social-tools for people to participate. Thank you for your work sirs!

J G Krishnayya said...

Congratulations, Anupam, on your accomplishments as the first CIO for Pune.

We will hope that your record of work, and the directions you have opened up, and the linkages you have created, will inspire those who will follow in this role to continue and build on these initiatives.

I certainly hope that the IDEA of the CIO position will take root now in the minds of those who have PMC's (and all the other government entities involved in Pune City's future) best interests in view. This needs to be made institutional and permanent.

All best wishes to you personally.

J G Krishnayya

Mobile-to-Mobile said...

Congrats! Excellent effort!

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